Why Is There an Entire Month Devoted to Motorcycle Safety Awareness?

Now that winter is over and spring is well under way, you can expect to see motorcyclists virtually every time you hit the road. In fact, since so many riders take out their bikes and dust them off just before summer starts, May has been designated Motorcycle Safety Awareness Month.

Accident on the street

According to the National Safety Council, motorcycles only make up 3 percent of all registered vehicles, but riders accounted for 14 percent of traffic deaths in 2014. Although reckless riding like speeding and weaving in and out of traffic is responsible for a significant number of motorcycle crashes, distracted drivers are often to blame, too.

At the end of the day, even the most experienced motorcyclists can end up in a devastating collision because a driver failed to check his or her blind spots before changing lanes. If you sustained debilitating injuries in a wreck that was not your fault, you may have grounds for a lawsuit against the liable party.

Turn to Heilman Law Group to determine the most strategic way to proceed with your claim. We understand the physical, financial, and emotional stress that a crash can place on you and your loved ones. Call 601-914-1025 to schedule a consultation with a car accident lawyer in Jackson.

Why Is There an Entire Month Devoted to Motorcycle Safety Awareness?

Motorcyclists are especially vulnerable in collisions because they have no protection from the force of impact. Fortunately, nearly all traffic crashes involving riders are preventable, which is exactly what Motorcycle Safety Awareness Month sets out to remind everyone at the start of the riding season.

Those on the road have an obligation to others around them. This duty of care applies to drivers, motorcyclists, and pedestrians. That means whenever you get behind the wheel, you must remain attentive, alert, and sober.

You must also exercise caution around vehicles much larger than your own, like 18-wheelers, and vehicles that are much smaller, like motorcycles. Additionally, you should respect all right-of-way laws at intersections and look out for people on foot who are trying to cross.

Everyone learns the basic rules of the road during driver’s education classes, but it’s easy to forget them over time. Since such forgetfulness can have catastrophic consequences, national campaigns like Motorcycle Safety Awareness Month are essential for preventing collisions.

Protecting riders from serious crashes is just one of the many goals of Motorcycle Safety Awareness Month. By reminding everyone to share the road, this campaign ultimately aims to reduce the number of traffic accidents in general. Since people often take road trips during the summer, starting on Memorial Day weekend, there is no better time for such a reminder.

Of course, in order for the campaign to be successful, motorists must actually abide by the rules of the road. Sadly, not everyone does.

If you were hurt in a wreck that was not your fault, turn to Heilman Law Group. During such a stressful time in your life, you shouldn’t have to worry about compiling evidence or negotiating with the opposing party for a fair settlement.

Contact us online or call 601-914-1025 to schedule a case evaluation with a car accident attorney in Jackson. You can learn more about motorcycle collision claims in Mississippi by visiting the USAttorneys website.

Heilman Law Group

4266 I-55 North, Suite 106

Jackson, MS 39211


By John Nisbett | Published April 23, 2018 | Posted in Car accident