When Is It Wise to Consult with a Medical Expert Witness?

Despite the many innovative safety features that all new cars are equipped with nowadays, even a minor collision can result in debilitating injuries. Common accident injuries include whiplash, facial fractures, broken ribs, internal organ damage, and meniscus tears.

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Some of these injuries may resolve themselves in a matter of days, but others can have lasting repercussions that inhibit you for years to come. Regardless of the severity of any injuries you sustain in a wreck, you have the right to seek compensation from the liable party for medical bills and lost wages.

To file a successful claim, you need to provide sufficient evidence of your damages. This is where a medical expert witness may be able to help. When a healthcare provider who specializes in the kinds of injuries you sustained testifies on your behalf, it may strengthen your case considerably.

If you were hurt in a crash with a reckless driver but you’re not sure how to gather testimony from an expert witness, turn to Heilman Law Group. Our firm is proud to provide the personalized attention of a small practice, but we have the resources of a large firm—including access to experts in various fields. Call 601-914-1025 to schedule a case evaluation with a car accident attorney in Jackson.

When Is It Wise to Consult with a Medical Expert Witness? 

If your case involves simple injuries that are fairly easy to treat and have a definitive recovery period, you may not necessarily need testimony from an expert witness. In such a scenario, your medical records will likely provide sufficient proof of the damages.

When the injuries are more severe, though, consulting with a specialist will ensure you take all damages into account when calculating a fair settlement amount. This might include expenses associated with renovating your home because of reduced mobility or the potential costs of future medical treatments you may need as the condition progresses.

Read on to learn about just a few specific scenarios in which it is wise to consult with a medical expert witness:

  1. When You Sustain a Traumatic Brain Injury

A concussion may be a mild form of traumatic brain injury (TBI) that does not have any lifelong repercussions, but more severe TBIs can result in considerable damages. If you sustained a TBI in the accident, a specialist can review the prognosis and provide insight on the potential costs of both living with the injury and treating the worst of its symptoms in the years to come.

  1. When You Sustain a Spinal Cord Injury

 According to the National Spinal Cord Injury Statistical Center, motor vehicle collisions are the leading cause of spinal cord injuries (SCIs) in this country. Like TBIs, SCIs can have lasting consequences.

If the SCI results in paralysis, for example, it will alter the accident victim’s life forever. In such a scenario, a medical expert witness will help the claimant calculate the lifetime costs of living with the injury.

If you were hurt in a crash with a negligent motorist and think your claim could benefit from the testimony of a medical expert witness, turn to Heilman Law Group. Contact us online or call 601-914-1025 to schedule a consultation with a car accident lawyer in Jackson. You can learn more about collision claims in Mississippi by visiting the USAttorneys website.

By John Nisbett | Published February 14, 2018 | Posted in Car accident