Do Not Ignore These 5 Symptoms Following a Car Accident

Motor vehicle collisions can be traumatic, and it is easy to get so caught up in the subsequent claims process that you neglect your health. It does not help that some of the most common car accident injuries, like whiplash, have latent symptoms.

Spinal Fracture and traumatic vertebral injury medical concept as a human anatomy spinal column with a broken burst vertebra due to compression or other osteoporosis back disease.

It is critical that you seek medical care following a crash, though, even if you do not require emergency treatment at the scene. The only way to confirm you did not sustain life-threatening injuries is to undergo a thorough physical exam.

As PennyGeeks explains, visiting a doctor shortly after the incident will also contribute to the strength of your personal injury claim. If you delay treatment, on the other hand, it could jeopardize the case and inhibit you from recovering compensation for all of the damages incurred.

If you were hurt in a collision that was not your fault, turn to Heilman Law Group. You may be entitled to compensation for medical bills, lost income, and non-economic damages like pain and suffering. Call 601-914-1025 to schedule a case evaluation with a car accident attorney in Jackson.

Read on to learn about five symptoms you should never ignore following a crash:

  1. Persistent Headache

A headache that does not go away could be a sign of a traumatic brain injury (TBI), a blood clot, or whiplash. Because there are no outward physical signs of this symptom, make sure to mention it to your doctor upon seeking care. 

  1. Abdominal Pain

Abdominal pain could be the result of minor bruising following an impact, but if it is severe or persistent, visit the nearest urgent care center for an exam. In some cases, abdominal pain and swelling is a sign of internal bleeding, which requires immediate medical attention. Other symptoms of internal bleeding that should not be ignored include bloody or black stools, bloody vomit, fainting, and dizziness.

  1. Numbness or Tingling

A loss of sensation anywhere on the body might be a sign of local nerve damage or of the compression of the spinal nerves as the result of swelling. If left untreated, permanent nerve damage can occur.

In some cases, loss of feeling can be indicative of paralysis following a spinal cord injury (SCI). Accident victims who may have sustained an SCI should seek immediate care to prevent life-threatening complications and ensure the best prognosis possible.

  1. A Change in Mental State

A concussion is the mildest form of traumatic brain injury and can affect cognitive function. People who have suffered a concussion might be irritable and moody, or they may find it hard to concentrate on even the simplest of tasks. 

  1. Chronic Fatigue

You may feel tired for a day or two after the accident, especially if you are taking medication to relieve pain; however, chronic fatigue could be indicative of anything from whiplash to a TBI.

If you experienced any of the symptoms above following a collision because of severe injuries, you have the right to hold the liable motorist accountable. Turn to Heilman Law Group to discuss your case and determine the most strategic way to proceed.

Call 601-914-1025 to schedule a consultation with a car accident lawyer in Jackson. If you want to learn more about collision claims in Mississippi, visit

By John Nisbett | Published February 8, 2018 | Posted in Car accident