4 Tips for Taking Photographs at the Scene of an Accident

Smartphones have contributed to modern life in countless ways. There is virtually an app for everything nowadays, from counting calories and tracking workouts to couponing and saving money.

For car accident victims, the most valuable component of their smartphone is not an app at all but, rather, the camera feature. Photographs from the scene of the crash are a critical piece of evidence when it comes to building a strong personal injury claim.

According to the Pew Research Center, more than three out of four Americans now own a smartphone, which means most people have access to a camera that takes quality photographs 24/7. Coupled with the increasing popularity of dash cams, it has never been easier to prove liability following a motor vehicle collision—as long as you make the most of the tools at your disposal.

If you were hurt in a crash that was not your fault but you’re not sure how to gather proof of the other driver’s liability, turn to Heilman Law Group. A Jackson accident law attorney from our firm can handle the legal aspects of your case so you can focus on recovering.

Visit our website at to learn about the quality counsel we are proud to provide. Call 601-914-1025 to schedule a consultation.

Read on to learn a few tips for taking photographs at the scene of a crash:

  1. Take Photos on the Day of the Accident

If you did not sustain life-threatening injuries and are physically capable of walking around after the collision, take photos before actually leaving the scene. Once police have arrived and directed traffic away from the wreckage, document the crash from all angles.

  1. Include a Timestamp

Your smartphone should automatically timestamp each photo, but make sure this feature is enabled just in case, especially if you must return to the scene after the wreckage has been cleared. If you required emergency medical care after the accident, go back as soon as possible—or ask a friend to do so for you—so you can document the scene before the surrounding area changes too much.

  1. Capture the Weather Conditions

Capture the sky, ground, nearby foliage, and any other indicators of the weather at the time of the collision. If you claim the other motorist was driving too recklessly for the current conditions, you will need evidence to back it up.

  1. Note Any Skid Marks

If there are any fresh skid marks at the scene, PennyGeeks recommends that you capture them in at least a few of the photographs. When it comes to proving liability and determining what happened during the crash, detailed photographs of any skid marks could be invaluable.

The above tips may sound like a lot of work, but if you hire a lawyer early in the proceedings, you do not have to worry about collecting any additional evidence beyond photographs from the scene. A Jackson car accident attorney from Heilman Law Group can interview witnesses and gather medical records on your behalf so you can focus on your health.

Contact us online or call 601-914-1025 to schedule a case evaluation. You can learn more about collision claims in Mississippi by visiting USAttorneys.com.

By John Nisbett | Published February 8, 2018 | Posted in Car accident